Customer Testimonials

“I met with Zach at Golden Social to discuss his experience within digital advertisement, and he was extremely helpful and fourth coming. Zach was quick to offer advice and resources in our initial conversation, and was clearly interested in bringing value right away. He handled himself professionally, and did not deliver any pushy sales rhetoric. I would suggest any growing business to consider partnering with Golden Social, as they focus on a definitive strategy to achieving results. Zach did not promise some secret sauce, but rather provided clear actionable tips and strategies, which we could use immediately to improve our digital presence.”
— Michael P, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, B2B security solutions.
“I worked with Zach to promote my Facebook group—he is a wealth of knowledge! There are a lot of inner workings you may think you know until you realize how much you don’t really know at all with algorithms and more...good thing is, he does! I was in awesome hands...Zach immediately got to work with strategy and implementation, yielding significant new leads. Looking forward to working with him again!”
— Vicki Salemi, Founder, Uncaregiver
“I worked with Zachary to promote my Facebook group and it was a very smooth and painless process. He more than tripled my Group Members, providing me with many new leads. I look forward to working with Zachary again!”
— Julia Pimsleur, Founder, Million-Dollar Women
“I worked with Zachary to promote my Facebook page and he was wonderful to work with. I learned a lot from him and with his help, I was able to gain so many new followers and more business to my new website. I definitely look forward to working with him again in the future and highly recommend his services.”
— Ashley Stebbins, Founder, Plantcycled